It is located next to the reservoir and the Cerro del Jabalcon, and has great views.
Here there are some special walks that take you all over the Valle del Guadalentín and the surroundings of the Parque Nacional de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas. There is evidence of human settlements as far back as the Neolithic and Argaric periods.
There is also evidence that there was an Iberian settlement here in the 4 th and 3 rd centuries BC. Under Muslim rule the neighbourhoods of Alcazaba, Jarea and El Lugar were built, and the town took on its present appearance and layout.
It was protected by a fortress , of which little remains today, that helped resist the attacks of the Catholic Monarchs. However, the town was eventually conquered in In it was declared an independent municipality and received the title of town. In the late 19 th century the town grew to include Cuevas del Campo until the s.
The Gurullos pigeon or rabiit , Puchero, Migas, Gachas and Gurupinas are specialities here, as are many dishes using locally produced prok. This parish church was built in the 16th century on the site of a former mosque.
It was restored in the 18th century in Neoclassical style. The façade and decoration of the chapel ceilings are inspired by the Baroque movement.
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