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Unión del Condado-Paradanta. We would therefore encourage contributions from historians working on the Northern Atlantic to participate in the workshop and to join the network in order to create a real transatlantic port studies network. Independientes por Valdoviño. Partido Jarote. Unitat Municipal

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Finally, in the long run, town government and effective political participation stayed restricted to small groups. View on ejournals. This paper examines the emergence ofthe Commons' political consciousness and actions with the aim of changing the political system in! The Commons' política! The política! In this way, the monarehy, aligned with the upper middle classes, strengthened its power and tumed into the institution responsible of the Common Good in Cantabrian town-ports. Revista de Historia, , Medieval Seaports of the Atlantic Coast of Spain more.

Book reviews by: - Roberto J. Revista de Historia", 9, Historia de Cantabria: La sociedad urbana y su gobierno municipal; las actividades económicas de las villas medievales more. Editorial Cantabria, Santander. Medieval History. Sociedad y violencia de bandos en la merindad de Trasmiera durante la Baja Edad Media more. Encuentros Internacionales del Medievoo Social History and Medieval History of Spain. La Organización interna de la Oligarquía urbana y el ejercicio del poder en Santander durante la Baja Edad Media: Familia, linaje y poder" more. Santander, Universidad de Cantabria, On one hand, the author refers the process of socio-political differentiation in the bosom of Laredo's Community by means of the Medieval History and Urban Commons.

The author analyses the beginnings and development of sea ports along the northern border of the kingdom of Castile during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. He studies the role played by the king in this area; it helps us to The kings started by granting royal foundation charters "fueros" to the small villages along the Cantabrian coast, not only to establish their rights and obligations, but also to reinforce, by means of a legal instrument, the royal control over the coast, thus modifying the regional balance of power.

Secondly, following the foundation of sea ports, material and logistic structures developed, which promoted commercial relationships and human connections, on the one hand between sea ports on the Atlantic coast of the Peninsula, and on the other between these foundations and their hinterlands and overseas markets, thereby reinforcing the internal urban structure in the north of Castile. Journal Name: Temas medievales.

View on scielo. Homenaje a Julio Valdeón Baruque. Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León, , p. Medieval Music. View on jstor. More Info: Published in Follain, A. Discours, perceptions, pratiques, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, : Firstly, author studies the legislation, both secular and ecclesiastical, applicable in the Crown of Castile against the crimes of sodomy and, secondly, exposes the ways in which that control was performed in the courts.

The article ends with an appendix of historical documents about sodomy in Castile. Abstract Control of crimes such as the sin of lust was one way in which the elites at the head of Castilian town councils emphasised their good government. Among all the such crimes, sodomy was considered to be the most terrible, which In the lawsuits analysed, there is clear repetition of a series of words related to individual.

View on sciencedirect. This article examines sorne key issues relating to the construction of port infrastructures and facilities in the towns of Northern Atlantic Spain in the late medieval period. Firstly, authors expose the genesis of the fifty townports Firstly, authors expose the genesis of the fifty townports which emerged between the 12th and 14th centuries; secondly, authors analyze the causes for building port infrastructures, and finally, introduce and describe the port infrastructures and port facilities on the Cantabrian shores.

Transformaçâo morfológica dos tecidos históricos. La primera internacionalización de la economía española en la baja Edad Media. Novas abordagens, pp. Conferences, Workshops, Talks and Lectures. En dicho contexto, el objetivo de este coloquio internacional es exa-minar el modo en el que emociones y recursos emocionales animan, vertebran, construyen y contribuyen a hacer percibir el campo de juego de lo político en un espacio, la ciudad en el Occidente europeo, y una cronología, la Baja Edad Media, capaces de aportar fuentes y claves suficientes para analizar la influencia que las emociones ejercieron en la identificación y formulación de políticas y de relaciones políticas entre actores y aun agencias.

La comprensión de estos procesos resulta esencial no sólo para entender el funcionamiento de lo político en el período medieval sino, especialmente, para comprender el modo en el que se concibe y operan los mecanismos que participan en la construcción del Estado moderno. En dicho contexto, el objetivo de este coloquio internacional es examinar el modo en el que emociones y recursos emocionales animan, vertebran, construyen y contribuyen a hacer percibir el campo de juego de lo político en un espacio, la ciudad en el Occidente europeo, y una cronología, la Baja Edad Media, capaces de aportar fuentes y claves suficientes para analizar la influencia que las emociones ejercieron en la identificación y formulación de políticas y de relaciones políticas entre actores y aun agencias.

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Movement and Mobility in the Medieval Mediterranean more. The Iberian Peninsula enjoyed a strategic geographic position on the long-distance routes between the Mediterranean and Atlantic Europe from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries, and on the expansion routes over the Atlantic Ocean The Iberian Peninsula enjoyed a strategic geographic position on the long-distance routes between the Mediterranean and Atlantic Europe from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries, and on the expansion routes over the Atlantic Ocean.

However, until the thirteenth century, the development of these maritime routes remained very modest, basically driven by maritime pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela and the fleets of Crusaders from northern Europe who circumnavigated the Peninsula on their way to the new Christian kingdoms of the Mediterranean Levant between and From the thirteenth century onward, a shift unfolded from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic owing to political, economic and technological factors, thence granting the Atlantic façade a strategic position of the highest order within medieval commercial exchanges.

The economy of the area evolved around three large hubs of growth: the Northern Cantabrian area, Lisbon to the West and Seville to the South. Urban historiography has granted priority to the study of these large ports over the smaller ones. The foundation by royal decree of some fifty port towns between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries lay the structural foundations for the development of maritime routes along the Cantabrian coastline. In this sense, Cantabrian ports constitute a subset of the urban system of the Crown of Castile and its relations with the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, based on diverse factors such as geographic conditions, the political administrative dynamics, infrastructures, and economic and particularly commercial relationships, all of which was the object of this paper.

Solórzano Telechea Solórzano Telechea Universidad de Cantabria , Representación, relaciones de poder y desigualdades en las treguas de y entre los puertos de la Marisma y costa de España y la Gascuña. Kalamazoo, May , View on eauh Workshop international: Ports et développement au temps de la mondialisation : une histoire globale des ports atlantiques more.

In our proposal we will analyze the development of the set of improvements of the Atlantic enclaves in the Late Middle Ages based on the knowledge, experience, transfer, professionalization and associations of the sectors involved in the In our proposal we will analyze the development of the set of improvements of the Atlantic enclaves in the Late Middle Ages based on the knowledge, experience, transfer, professionalization and associations of the sectors involved in the maintenance and modernization of the port facilities.

Specifically, this analysis focuses on the actions undertaken to provide quality to the port facilities and signaling systems. For this task, manuscript sources, printed collections and digital, cartographic and iconographic repositories have been used; whose exhaustive relationship would exceed the dimensions of this work.

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IX Encuentro en Esles de Cayón. Aldea, Villa y Ciudad more. Medieval History and Medieval urban history. View on neim. Barcelona 9 de junio de RUIZ more.

I Jornada de Urbanismo Medieval. Redescubriendo las huellas de las villas medievales: fuentes, escenarios y difusión patrimonial Salas, 31 de Marzo y 1 de Abril Isabel Ruiz de la Peña directora Words and Deeds.

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This workshop reconsiders the involvement of urban commoners in politics during the Late Middle Ages 13thth centuries. The ESSHC is a biennial International Conference that brings together historians and other scholars from across the world who are interested in studying the past using the methods of the Social Sciences.


The programme is organised around The programme is organised around Networks, each of which organises panel sessions including collaborative sessions with other networks : some of these are period-based, some based on geographical area, and some focused on themes or methods. Scholars are invited to submit sessions on the social history of politics, economy, cultural phenomena, ideas, and discourses.

Subjects to be dealt with include: networking at courts, gender issues in urban or rural societies, conflict studies, factions and nobility, the history of commoners, trust and social capital, new methodologies etc. Other topics are very welcome! The particular focus of our network is comparative: first, it brings together medievalists working on the crossroads of cultural, political and economic history; second, it looks at different areas across Europe and the wider Mediterranean world.

Nevertherless, we will be happy to discuss any ideas you wish to put forward. We are particularly interested in proposals for inter-disciplinary and comparative panels. The earlier you contact us, the more advice we'll be able to offer. Spain, de noviembre The 13th edition is devoted to "Working in the Medieval City in Europe" , November El Foro Ibérico de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas quiere ser un espacio académico del Medievalismo desde el que contribuir al conocimiento, la revisión y la puesta al día de los estudios medievales, en especial con relación a los El Foro Ibérico de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas quiere ser un espacio académico del Medievalismo desde el que contribuir al conocimiento, la revisión y la puesta al día de los estudios medievales, en especial con relación a los reinos hispanos.

La propuesta de comunicación libre en formato póster se puede enviar hasta el 30 de septiembre al correo: solorzaja unican. La lengua científica de los encuentros es el español. Programme of Medieval Network Programme of Medieval Network is in the attached file. Social History. State power, political conflict and urban ideologies in Medieval Northern Spain more.

Jesús Ángel Solórzano Telechea | Universidad de Cantabria -

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View on humanities. Each Congress has one particular special thematic strand on an area of interdisciplinary study Each Congress has one particular special thematic strand on an area of interdisciplinary study in a wider context. Spain Event Date: Jul 27, European Social Science History Conference more.

Information on the IISH is available from its website at socialhistory. The deadline for pre-registration on our website is 1 may Todas y cada una de las parejas de las que acabamos formando parte de su día nos aportan algo nuevo como personas y esta no fue una excepción.. Jorge y Esteban son sencillos, amables y detallistas. Jorge tiene un tono de voz dulce y sereno y acaba casi todas sus frases con una pequeña risa.

Y lo mejor de todo es que no solo son así entre ellos. Son así con todo el mundo. No hay mas que estar en su entorno mas íntimo para descubrir lo mucho que les quieren. Si consigues que tus novios sean capaces de emocionarse en su sesión preboda , con certeza podemos decir que hemos conseguido nuestro objetivo.