Tienen un lugar especial porque se basan en un nexo entre la propia infancia y la de las generaciones siguientes. En este sentido, es ésta una excelente película sobre la navidad, esa ficción de solidaridad universal tan conveniente.
Polar Express. Robert Zemeckis. Gaye, Peter Scolari, Brendan King. USA: Warner Bros. Los Reyes y la mente modular. Es una suerte que en el día del padre te toque tanto dar como recibir felicitaciones. Ahora que se me ocurre, pocas veces se celebra a San José como padre de Judas, pero debió serlo, si las Escrituras no nos engañan.
También de Santiago, Simón, y otro pequeño José. Al menos otro padre no se les atribuye, que yo sepa. Pero vete a saber. En una nube de desconocimiento, pues, el padre procede adelante con su instrucción Esto viene del "Manual para hijos" de Donald Barthelme, una lectura no recomendable para este día.
Si nos diésemos cuenta de las responsabilidades no nos dedicaríamos a ser padres. Felizmente tenemos la mente en otro lado. También me han regalado una lupa. Etiquetas: Diario , Nenes , Padres. Tiene rsseses, y tagclouds, y todo eso tan fashion. Eso, los compartibles en red. Etiquetas: Enlaces , Ego , Bibliografía , Webliografía. Etiquetas: Diario. A question, out of the blue, to all members of the Narrative List who care to answer: —Which is the most productive, useful, or innovative concept in narrative analysis developed in recent years? A new one, mind, not the standard tools we may be supposed to be teaching to students of narrative structure.
They are not. It is, more specifically, a deliberate attempt to reconstruct a past perspective which preserves the openness of the present a "past present" and thus avoids, or at least tries to counter, the fallacious element inherent in hindsight bias. That's , though!
More on sideshadowing here. There has only been one candidate for the post: "sideshadowing", an interesting concept to be sure, but only one, and moreover it is a concept, deriving from a much earlier Bakhtinian background. Surely there must be more to draw our attention to—certainly there must have been as many books on the theory of narrative published in the last ten years as in the previous twenty-five centuries.
Or, perhaps, are we working within a well-established paradigm which is no longer developing any significant new ideas or methods in recent years?
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I am sure many people in the list would appreciate some of these significant novelities being pointed out to them, perhaps as an exercise in revaluation. Myself, for one! Jose Angel García Landa Hi Jose - for myself - as i've replied on a number of threads previously to this list - have found Hilde Lindemann's Damaged Identities Narrative Repair a crucial development in narrative on the concept of counterstories. While work has been done previously on the concept of narrative and identity, developments that critique the kinds of stories that ought to be told to resist oppressive master narratives pose interesting questions for analysis.
Though she did begin the development of this concept in a journal publication in the first instance it is not full fleshed out until this publication. It is an interesting question you suggest in terms of the paradigm of narrative analysis and whether it's an established field because certainly when one attends narrative sessions or presentation! I wonder if people on the list feel it is too charged a question, given that many here are professional narratologists? Does the question produce the impulse to say, "My concept is better than yours.
Does the question about "crucial contribution" produce a disincentive to rank ideas? Is it perhaps even seen as somewhat crass to do so on a generally friendly list? And is this disinclination more common in humanities than in sciences? Silences are always hard to read so perhaps the relative non-response is really about spring break and no time. Anyway: I am interested and would like to hear more both about the new crucial concepts and the relative silence.
Peggy Phelan For most of us the most interesting and innovative concepts are those we have been recently working on, and it is a little bit embarrassing to promote one's own research.
A variant is the remediation of Bolter and Grusin. The form of the question--what is the most useful, productive, or innovative concept? I think no one is supposed to be claiming, just because they find a given notion is useful or innovative, that their knowledge of the field is superior to that of anyone else! Most individual concepts function within larger projects so it's hard to separate the identification of "crucial concept" from the question of "crucial project," and it seems to me that we are happily in a situation in which many people are carrying out valuable projects and generating valuable concepts.
I can easily name several more concepts I've found valuable, and I'm sure that many others on the list could as well. But, in doing so, we would shift Jose's original question from "what is the? At the same time, shifting the question in this way means that there's no clear place to stop.
If the range of candidates for inclusion goes from specific distinctions to meta-analyses, and, if, as I suggest in 2, there are multiple valuable concepts in multiple valuable projects, my answer to "what are some? Jim P. More details about Lanser's distinctions and Shaw's meta-analysis can be found in their essays in the Blackwell Companion to Narrative Theory I was struck by your insight into how the question posed a singular answer and note that my response reads as if i see nelson's counterstories and THE most crucial development in narrative analysis.
There is much exchange on transmediality and transfictionality; some relevant references go to my bibliographical page.
And then, on April Dear Professor Garcia Landa, As both Peggy Phelan and Jim Phelan have pointed out, there are many of us who wouldn't be doing the work we are doing if we didn't think it was innovative, creative, and important. But I wonder whether, when you raised this question to the list, you yourself had one or more concepts in mind that you thought we might name?
Would you tell us which new directions in narrative theory you are finding interesting and valuable? Louis Dear Emma: Er— well, no; it was just a question.
The list had been somewhat dormant for some days and I just thought this type of question might enliven it. And it was a real question, I mean, I am genuinely interested in knowing what other people working in narrative have found especially helpful, illuminating, break-through-ing, etc. As to any suggestions of my own, well, since you ask I suppose I would point generally in the direction of the "new media ecology" and the way it reshuffles the cards in narrative theory as in anything else.
Come to think of it, the interface between the phenomena pointed out here, "hindsight bias" and "intermediality", or "sideshadowing" and "transfictionality" would be fruitful and challenging. But you know, "the questioner who sits so sly will never know how to reply" All best wishes and thanks to all members for their answers and questions to this thread.
La Fiscalía ha abandonado la petición de condena que mantenía contra Otegi desde hace varios años, provocando el archivo de la causa y la salida a la calle de Otegi libre de cargos, cuando se encontraba a las puertas de ingresar finalmente en prisión. Es radical y absolutamente falso tanto que la decisión sea independiente y ajustada a Derecho, como que existan dos personas absueltas por los mismos hechos: en primer lugar los actos cometidos por Otegi son totalmente diferentes a los de las otras dos personas.
Sólo un ignorante o un canalla que pretende confundir a los ciudadanos puede decir lo que ha dicho el Portavoz socialista. Fue el actual Ministro de Interior, Señor Rubalcaba, quien dijo que los españoles nos merecíamos un Gobierno que no mintiera. Unos criminales han matado a un pobre joyero en La Almunia, mientras atracaban su tienda.
Reconozco que es peor el caso cuando el gobierno busca justificaciones para los criminales, o urde triquiñuelas para exculpar a la banda. Y sin embargo todos estos crímenes tienen una resonancia y una significación política. Pero estas cifras en concreto se recuentan cuidadosamente, se desgranan en los telediarios, como si fuesen crímenes "especiales" o víctimas especialmente dignas de conmiseración.