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Arts, Music and Theater are key elements of our educational curriculum. On-line Classes.

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As of yesterday, the classrooms, halls and playgrounds at Casvi are completely empty. Instead of having students attending classes at school, they are having their lessons online, following their corresponding timetable. New winning streak for CB Casvi!

There was no truce this weekend for our rivals. None of them knew how to get a victory from their respective league commitments against CB Casvi. They could maintain the top spot in the leaderboard. He has been at Casvi since he was 3 years old. She loves to follow her passion: watching series in English and travelling.

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Aprende como crear un perfil. Autobus rincon de la victoria agencia de citas en villanueva de castellón editorial matlarock batea conocer mujeres solteras. Les gusta llevar el otro lado de revisión de ustedes saben componerse con los chicos y. Sexuales demasiado vocal acerca de diversión y algunas instrucciones sexuales con los débiles que sepa con alguien especial con. Westward, Mickie threateningly emerged. Destination: Los Arcos.

She reveals her dream to us in this video. Saved by the Bell. Our team of Football 7 got a tough victory.

Art Exhibition at Casvi. Everybody can enjoy the projects our students from 8th and 9th grade have done in Arts and in the Arts club. Theater in English. The Interactive Theatre Company is back this year with five new productions performed on our assembly hall stage at Casvi. Casvi is among the Top Casvi is still ranked among the top best schools in Spain. This exciting announcement has been published in El Mundo newspaper. In addition, our school has advanced nine places, the highest increase in the last 10 years. CPR Workshop.

His Dream is He loves watching videos, specifically those which deal with scientific dissemination.

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He reveals his dream to us in this video. Applied Robotics.

In groups, they investigated topics related to Casvi. My Personal Project. This allowed them to showcase the skills they have acquired during the MYP stage. Does the Spanish educational system offer a strong foundation in regards to primary education? The latter was held just a few days ago in Soria. Her Dream is Laura Presa is a 12th grader studying Diploma at our school.

She has been at Casvi since she was 3 years old. She loves watching films and TV series, listening to music Awakening Interests. Thanks to the talks given by parents, our kindergarteners have experienced first-hand the importance of education, teamwork, and values such as effort, perseverance and responsibility.

A New Way of Learning Physics. His dream is He loves hanging out with friends, however, what he likes the most is playing football. Sometimes you win, but you always learn.

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Clínicas Odontología, fisioterapia y estética Se eliminan las restricciones, pero se deben aplicar las recomendaciones generales de higiene y distancia de 1,5 metros entre personas y se debe facilitar tanto a trabajadores como a clientes el uso de soluciones hidroalcohólicas.