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Next to this, was the fireplace. The oven itself was generally always located inside a room used for storing wood, kneading bread and preparing food. The traditional oven houses have remained intact until very recent times. The industrialisation of bread factories has led to the destruction of many these buildings in modern times. The wooden roofing was at some point replaced for a masonry vault.

The second of these ovens is recorded to be from the fourteenth century. It is of exceptional value to us since it has not suffered any renovation or transformation. Of all the hundreds of ovens that once existed, this is the only Valencian Medieval oven house that has survived intact, and is still in daily use. This oven consists of a rectangular nave eight metres wide and eleven metres long. Two diaphragm pointed arches, stemming from the floor and with a span of seven metres are placed across the nave.

Other medieval oven houses worth mentioning are those of Llíria and Alpuente, although these have lost their original use and have now been converted into museums. Dictionnaire Raisonné. The mill comprises a rectangu- lar nave measuring twenty-six by twelve and a half metres. It consists of five double spanned semi-circular diaphragm arches, arranged in line to form two naves. There are many medieval storehouses built for different uses. This building system continued being used up until the eighteenth century.

This storehouse is built with seven diaphragms, each with three spans bays that form, when lined together, three naves. This unique building that also employed diaphragm arches covers an area of approximately 3. It comprises five parallel naves, each one crossed by nine diaphragm pointed arches, built in brick, and with a span of eleven metres. The naves are, at the same time, linked together by arches. Documentary information, brought to knowledge by Amadeo Serra, indicates that the municipal docks there were other royal shipyards first appeared in and building started in on three of the naves that are still standing.

During the fifteenth century, recognised masters, such as Francesc Thona and Pere Compte carried out additional work, reformations and extensions. A proof on how versatile this system was can be found in its use for the construction of bridges. As can be seen, these constructions follow the same building patterns already used in Roman Architecture. Viollet-le-Duc pointed out the existence of this solution in the con- struction of bridges in medieval France, especially in the region of Poitou, at the end of the twelfth century, or the beginning of the thirteenth century.

There are two excellent examples in the area of Valencia that are identical to those in France. One of them is of considerable interest: Santa Quiteria Bridge, on the river Mijares, between Almassora and Vila-real. It is metres long, built with eight arcades, each one built with four parallel arches, each reach- ing a span of Historic documents reveal that this bridge has existed since There is another bridge of similar characteristics, although not as long, in Onda, on the river Sonella.

Diaphragm arches were extensively used in Aragón and in Foto P. Catalonia in the building of castle halls and palace residences. Today it is masked by a classical covering comprising three vaulted naves located inside the spacious medi- eval diaphragm.

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This hall conserves three moulded pointed diaphragm arches, a traditional Romanesque lateral semicircular arch doorway, and a great double shaft win- dow of very primitive design. The moulding employed is identi- cal to that seen in the ancient parts of Valencia Cathedral and is the same as that used in the church of Santa Catalina in Alzira of the thirteenth century.

The group of guilds from towns in the area of els Ports de Morella deserve special mention for their artistic woodwork and elegant design, because all of them have the same characteristics, com- prising a nave with a rectangular floor plan, divided into three or four sections, and covered with wooden framework that rests on a diaphragm arch with a double span. These were built in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and there are some excellent examples of this design in Cinctorres, Forcall and Olocau del Rey. Elías Tormo estimated that hundreds of these churches were later demolished throughout the years of prosperous economy and were replaced by larger and more solid buildings.

Archaeological evidence and documentation later veri- fied this assumption. Recently we have even now been able to list more than a hundred of these churches whose remains are still in reasonable condition. Churches built with diaphragm arches began to constitute the most common and frequently used for- mula for building churches in medieval Valencia.

The first perfectly recorded church built using diaphragm arches in Valencian territory, is the church of San Jaime Parish in the deserted town of Corachar, in Tinença de Benifassà, a poor moun- tainous area in the far north of the region. In spite of its elemen- tary layout and relatively small size, this building is extremely interesting because of its historical value. It is very rare to have detailed information describing the design and construction pro- cess of a church at such an early date.

Corachar was donated to the Cistercian Monastery of Escarpe in Planta y sección de la iglesia parroquial de Lerida after the Christian conquest and in Corachar asked the monastery to build a church in exchange for certain economic privileges. Encuentros sexuales en la costa atlantica albacete lugares para conocer gente dating gay de morales del vino güeñes gay dating.

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También realizó reformas en el mobiliario del local social, con la compra de los sillones de mimbre, que se conservaban hasta el inicio de la década de los sesenta. Estas informaciones han sido facilitadas oralmente por su yerno. Debió ser elegido presidente en , tal y como aparece en la comunicación que el Sindicato hace al Ayuntamiento relacionando la Junta Rectora del Sindicato que aparece en el apéndice documental n. En la entrevista hace la siguiente referencia:.

Pero parece ser que se debio de aprobar en la Junta General de primeros de , por lo que realmente el hecho se llevaría a cabo en , siendo presidente ya Francisco España Clari. Fue presidente durante , en el mismo año en que falleció. La notícia se había transmitido oralmente entre los familiares.

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