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El criollo, puede decirse, hace su aparición con este soneto que establece las diferencias entre el habitante del Nuevo Mundo y el que llega de la península. Dos historias latinoamericanas de la infamia. Partiendo del problema de la representación del mal, estudiamos las diversas estrategias que estos autores proponen para abordarlo. Analizamos luego el empleo de las notas al pie, que contribuyen a multiplicar la instancia narrativa e introducir la autorreflexividad en obras que parecen requerir alguna forma de distanciamiento.

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La antología ha servido para firmar un género literario, que ya tenía sus raíces en el Río de la Plata del siglo XIX, en la dirección estética que defendían los tres escritores y que se oponía a la estética realista entonces dominante. Aquí se examina cómo surgió la antología, la parte que ha jugado cada uno de los antólogos y las diferencias de criterio de selección de autores extranjeros y nacionales entre sus dos ediciones: la primera de y la segunda de The article looks at Borges' final work, a translation of Gylfaginning from Snorri Sturlusson's Edda.

The translation of poetry within the work is put into the context of Borges' lifelong fascination with regard to Old Norse literature. The source text of Borges' translation, previously unknown Performance Guides to Spanish Texts. This performance guide is the result of work conducted at the University of Virginia's National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, , on "Spanish Literature in Performance," in which 25 secondary school Spanish teachers studied Spanish texts from the perspective of classroom performance to deepen knowledge of the texts and….

Jorge Isaacs en su tiempo Full Text Available marca una fecha de importancia para la literatura sudamericana; en este año Jorge Isaacs publica la "María". Varias veces centenario. Como si la tierra y todas sus criaturas recibieran el impacto y el profundo dolor de la caída de un ser aparentemente inmortal. Así nosotros, absortos y asombrados, presenciamos el derrumbe de este otro gigante que proyectó su sombra sobre el Territorio Nacional, y se constituyó por sus ejecutorias, en figura casi mística en la Medicina Colombiana.

Así también, con esa misma garra, se enfrentó a la muerte, a rompe y rasga, sin cuartel, sin concesiones, porque quería vivir, para continuar haciendo. Fué intemperante y fue soberbio, pero fue grande en sus prop. In memoriam. Jorge Cavelier Gaviria Full Text Available Recorrida ya una larga vida, siempre he considerado que hay hombres de hombres. Y los he encontrado: hombres que lideran, que llevan a la innovación y el progreso, que, dueños de una capacidad multifacética, con su espíritu y su vigorosa personalidad inspiran y promueven el hacer individual y colectivo.

Tal fue Jorge Cavelier Gaviria, muy cercanocompañero y colega de toda una vida. Aquí, en el Gimnasio Moderno, se inició nuestra amistad, con apenas dos años de diferencia en nuestros grados de bachiller. Jorge Amado and Communist Party: loose papers.

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Full Text Available This article tries to show the importance of the materiality of an archive not only to the biography of Jorge Amado, in the years of e , but also to help understanding the relation established in this period between intellectuals and communists, the paths in the biographic development of Luiz Carlos Prestes and the publication and repercussion of the book then called O Cavaleiro da Esperança. Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el significado metafísico y metaliterario de la estética de la repetición en la obra narrativa de Borges.

Los espejos, las sombras, los fantasmas, los dobles y todas las otras estrategias de repetición de la realidad eran, para él, alegorías de la escritura. Lope, Reader of Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos. Other points of contact between the lives and works of these two great figures of the Iberian theater are also considered, in order to understand how Lope de Vega processed his reception of the works of the Portuguese comedy writer of the sixteenth century.

Jorge de Lima e a Poesia Transicional. Jorge de Lima, pela via da poesia como linguagem essencial — que busca reproduzir no leitor a própria experiência do sentimento poético -, traz à realidade a vivência integradora do homem com o meio — cósmico, social, religioso. Traçando paralelos com as noções de objeto transicional Winnicott e mito como objeto transicional coletivo Green, buscaremos evidenciar o modo pelo qual, poeticamente, Jorge de Lima cria uma experiência lingüística criativa, que equilibra e relaciona as motivações subjetivas do poeta com as implicações objetivas da realidade externa, sociocultural.

Abstract: The paper studies poetry as the transmission of a lived poetical state. Jorge de Lima, through poetry as essential language — that strives to reproduce in the reader the very existence of the poetical feeling — brings to reality the integrating living between man and environment — whether cosmic, social or religious. Establishing parallels with the notion of transitional object Winicott and myth and collective transition object Green, the aim of this article is to throw light over.

Académico Jorge Segura Vargas. Con el título no terminaron los avatares, por la resistencia que generaban los egresados de la nueva escuela médica. El entrenamiento lo logró realizar en este tradicional centro hospitalario de la capital, con el profesor Hernando Anzola Cubides.

Luis Carlos López. Full Text Available Entre los poetasa del Centenario tuvo Luis Carlos López mucha popularidad en el extranjero, desde la publicación de su primer libro. Creo que su obra llamó la atención de filósofos como Unamuno y, si no estoy equivocado, Darío se refirió a ella en términos elogiosos. En Colombia ha sido encomiada hiperbólicamente por algunos, a tiemp que otros no le conceden mayor mérito.

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Full Text Available El enfoque del presente ensayo ofrece como eje central la personalidad y acciones del protagonista de "La casa de Asterión". Este cuento se halla incardinado en el libro El Aleph. El artículo pretende explorar el lenguaje construido por el maestro Jorge Ortiz a través de su obra y valorar la configuración estética que hay al interior de la misma. Michael S.

Gutter and Martie Gillen. John E.

Grable and George Engelhard, Jr. Hydrotherapy and medical entrepreneurship: the "water spell" of Ricardo Jorge. Known for many centuries and used for therapeutic purposes, they were administered on an empirical basis. When new chemical analyses were first published, the empirical properties of these waters took on a new role in hydrotherapy based on their now proven mineral and medicinal qualities. The article discusses in detail Ricardo Jorge 's business venture, framing it in the context of the economic collection and treatment potential of mineral waters and the revival of the phenomenon of hydrotherapy, legitimized by new developments in the chemical analysis of waters.

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The commercial failure to exploit the water resources highlights the difficulties of this project and the complexity of the professional practice of hydrological medicine, although it resulted in a strengthening of Ricardo's authority and prestige in the field of hydrotherapy. Jorge Cuesta: poesía a la mano. Esta ponenci Characteristics of the Institute of Technology 'Prof. Jorge A.

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A historical survey is made of the educational and training activities in metallurgy and material sciences carried out by the CNEA since , that were the origin of the 'Prof. Sabato' Institute. The curricula of the studies are described in detail. The Information Center annexed to the Institute is also described. Teresa y Luis , Luis y Teresa. Dos santos en tiempos recios. Full Text Available María is one of the most widely read Spanish-American novels of all times; this work compares it to the ups and downs in its author's life.

Jorge Isaacs had been rich and fallen on hard times; had been a conservative Catholic and turned into an anti-clerical liberal; had been a merchant and rose up in arms; later he was exiled from his native province. The parable of his life deserves an explanation and this paper offers two clues: Isaacs' ineptitude for business and the high price he had to pay for changing his political-ideological sign into one that ten years later opposed the political regime of La Regeneración Ironically, a later conservative regime crafted the literary canonization of María, a nostalgic and sentimental novel, and established it as a national model of immutable private morality.

Art and aesthetics in the Minutogramas of Jorge Oteiza. Full Text Available During his stay in Buenos Aires in , Jorge Oteiza promoted the artistic information service The art walk, a consequence of which are his Minutogramas. O tempo no conto "Testemunha", de Lídia Jorge. Proceedings of the 3. Luis Alvarez - a personal approach to physics. One of the major pioneer figures and outstanding personalities of particle physics, Luis Alvarez, died on 1 September.

In addition to his numerous particle physics achievements, he became famous for his ventures in archaeology, palaeontology, and astronomy, and for his inventions. As a tribute to this remarkable man, we publish here some extracts from 'Adventures in Nuclear Physics', given as the University of California Faculty Research Lecture. According to custom, this presentation is a personalized account rather than an impersonal scientific discourse. Jorge Amado and the internationalization of brazilian literature. He is credited with opening the international literary market to the post-dictatorship generation of Brazilian writers.

Yet Amado is also a controversial figure. The debate around him is sparked by what some believe is sexual and ethnic stereotyping in his post works and the reinforcement of "paternalistic "racial views. His reception therefore is mixed. For his English-language readers, he is a fascinating source of exotic and titillating narratives about the vast, unknown country of Brazil, and for Brazilians he is either a "great ambassador of Brazilian culture around the world" or a faux populist who disguises sexist and racist attitudes behind charming prose.

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This paper will address Amado's literary career, his unique contributions to Brazilian letters, the challenges of translating his work, and his influence on the production of a new Brazilian literature for export. Editorial, Centenario del Profesor Jorge Cavelier — Presidente Honorario de la Academia: Cavelier, nació el 12 de agosto de , el que al paso de los años sería figura prestante de la medicina colombiana. De su padre, heredó la severa dignidad de la perseverante consagración al trabajo emblema de su estirpe. Atemperada por la bondad que demostró a los enfermos, en la carrera médica que por la suave influencia materna habría de seguir y en la que descolló siempre.

Se recuerda que al regresar al país fue el primero en traer y aplicar la insulina recientemente descubierta para tratar la diabetes. Hitler na crônica militante de Jorge Amado. Umas das figuras mais citadas e tratadas pelo autor é Adolf Hitler, sobretudo como metonímia do mal. Although many scholars have written on Oteiza's significant contribution to the field of sculpture, and have analyzed his theories on the meaning of art, very few take into consideration Oteiza's 13 years in Latin America, much less acknowledge that these years had a decisive impact on his art and particularly on his critical essays and poetry.

In this essay, I explore how Oteiza's stay in Latin America contributed to his reevaluation of the avant-garde movements in Europe and Latin America, and how it led him to redefine his relationship to progress, science, reason and nature, space and time, ethics, and national art. During the course of his interaction with Latin American artistic movements, Oteiza's thoughts on artistic singularity and universality matured, and he confirmed his strong sense of spirituality in order to liberate traditionally defined conceptual opposites such as the intellectual and the sacred from their teleological confinement.

En la pesquería de merluza del golfo San Jorge opera una flota fresquera de altura, compuesta por unas 20 embarcaciones, y una flota costera, compuesta por unas 30 embarcaciones. En el presente trabajo se describe el manejo actual en las pesquerías del golfo San Jorge , el cual consiste principalmente en cierres espaciales y temporales para la pesca de langostino, y zonificaciones por estrato de flota para la merluza.

En ninguna de las dos pesquerías descriptas se han tomado medidas que reduzcan eficazmente la captura incidental.

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In San Jorge Gulf, several important economic activities are developed, including two industrial fisheries: hake Merluccius hubbsi Marini, and Argentine red shrimp Pleoticus muelleri Bate, Both overlap spatially and temporally. The main problem of both fisheries is the bycatch of hake in one of its. Full Text Available A month-old Hispanic female with a history of double-outlet right ventricle and developmental delay in the setting of recombinant chromosome 8 syndrome was referred for neurologic imaging.