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La acción de los medios puede explotar los componentes emotivos del La acción de los medios puede explotar los componentes emotivos del suceso en busca de audiencia o cooperar con la investigación facilitando la colaboración ciudadana y evitando conjeturas. Media coverage can exploit the emotional components of the event in order to increase the audience or it can cooperate with the investigation by facilitating citizen collaboration and avoiding speculation.

The analysis detects an unequal amount of media attention paid to the disappearances and a predominantly sensationalist approach. More Info: vol. Las redes sociales se han convertido en herramientas clave para la movilización ciudadana y, por ello, han pasado a formar parte de las estrategias de movimientos sociales y partidos políticos. Twitter destaca sobre el resto por las Twitter destaca sobre el resto por las posibilidades de interacción que permite entre los usuarios.

En España, los nuevos partidos políticos, como Podemos, en parte surgidos del descontento social del movimiento 15M, han explotado las posibilidades de Twitter con éxito para sumar respaldo ciudadano y mejorar sus resultados electorales. La investigación compara la actividad municipal en Twitter de los nuevos gobiernos con la comunicación desarrollada por las administraciones del año anterior, cuando los tres ayuntamientos estaban en manos de partidos políticos tradicionales.

Sin embargo, los resultados señalan que el uso de esta aplicación no se diferencia sustancialmente del de los gobiernos anteriores. Twitter stands above the rest due to its possibilities for interaction. This platform is nowadays a common component in both electoral campaigns and institutional communication of public administrations. In Spain, new political parties, as Podemos, partially arising from the social unrest of the 15M movement have successfully exploited the possibilities of Twitter to add public support and improve their election results.

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Benillup · Benimantell · Benimarfull · Benimassot · Benimeli · Benimodo · Benimuslem · Beniparrell · Benirredrà · Benisanó · Benissa · Benissoda · Benisuera. The most complete and up-to-date bilingual dictionary in the Spanish and English Benirredrá es un municipio español situado en la provincia de Valencia.

This research aims to analyse the institutional communication in Twitter of three Spanish municipalities governed by citizen platforms, linked to the Spanish new political scene, since the elections in May Barcelona, Zaragoza and Cadiz. The analysis takes as study period the festivities held in the three cities and tweets have been quantitatively examined.

The research compares the activity on Twitter of the new governments with the communication strategy developed by the governments in power the previous year, when the three city councils were administered by traditional political parties. The hypothesis suggests that the new government teams take advantage of the experience of social mobilization and parties as Podemos in order to make a more efficient and interactive use of Twitter. However, the results indicate that the use of this application does not differ substantially from that of previous governments.

View on revistafaro. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the judicial proceedings concerning the film Letty Lynton The movie, despite being an emblem of the classical period of Hollywood, was banned in , following a suit filed by two The movie, despite being an emblem of the classical period of Hollywood, was banned in , following a suit filed by two playwrights against Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for plagiarism.

The lawsuit revealed a complexity that US courts had not addressed so far in copyright infringement matters, not least because the film was based on a true story that took place during the nineteenth century but also because the motion picture company had acquired the rights to a novel that also told the facts. The continuing resources and judgments ended after eight years with the ruling of the Supreme Court.

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This paper analyses in detail the examination of the case by studying three sources: literary materials relating to the film, judicial pronouncements generated by the demand for plagiarism and the media coverage offered by four contemporary trade papers. The results allow establishing a chronology of the process, evaluating the media coverage it got and identifying the impact both in the field of justice and in the Hollywood industry.

El pleito evidenció una complejidad en materia de infracción del copyright que la justicia estadounidense no había afrontado hasta el momento, entre otros motivos porque la cinta partía de unos hechos reales acontecidos durante el siglo XIX y la productora había adquirido los derechos de una novela que también los relataba. Los continuos recursos y resoluciones judiciales finalizaron, tras ochos años, con el pronunciamiento del Tribunal Supremo.

View on obs. The scientific community has shown an increasing interest in exploring the practices and routines of journalists in different contexts Hanitzsch et al.

El resultado

Mujeres puede ir en inglaterra y seguramente te encuentras a. This article, based on the analysis of a real case found in the newspapers from Valencia, tries to offer a reflection on the most frequent problems that a journalist faces when trying to write about transsexual people. Pensar en este momento. She has been vocal about numerous issues relating to bisexuality including bisexual erasure and biphobia. Les estructures organitzatives de les empreses i els discursos dominants dels mitjans, segueixen perpetuant percepcions i esquemes dominants del passat?

The trust journalists place in public institutions is a key variable to The goal of this paper is to identify the level of trust of Spanish journalists in public institutions and to verify whether media type, regional scope and ownership influence these trust levels. It is necessary to further develop this line of research with explanatory models that allow delving into the origins of the distrust of Spanish journalists.

View on revistas. View on infocore.

De la redacción al juicio: la primera acción popular como explotación periodística del suceso criminal more. La cobertura del Crimen de la Calle Fuencarral supuso el arranque del sensacionalismo en España. La nueva prensa informativa potenció el drama y el suspense en las informaciones en torno al suceso con el objetivo de mejorar sus ventas La nueva prensa informativa potenció el drama y el suspense en las informaciones en torno al suceso con el objetivo de mejorar sus ventas.

Este artículo analiza cómo fue el planteamiento de esa iniciativa y los argumentos que esgrimieron los periódicos para apoyarla o rechazarla. The new press, focused on news, boosted the drama and suspense of the stories about the event with the aim of improving sales. This paper discusses how this initiative was proposed and which were the arguments made by some of the most important newspapers to support or reject it. View on revistainternacionaldehistoriadelacomunicacion.

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El estudio fue desarrollado como parte del proyecto Worlds of Journalism Study. Los datos del estudio revelan diferencias parciales en los niveles de confianza respecto al tipo de medio televisión, radio, prensa, en línea, etc. The goal of this paper is determining the level of trust of Spanish journalists towards public institutions and verifying if media type, reach and ownership influence these levels.

Data also revealed partial differences in the levels of trust among journalists of different media type TV, radio, newspaper, online, etc. We suggest continuing the study through explicative models that allow delving into the origin of the distrust.

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Press coverage of same-sex domestic violence cases in Spain more. Spanish media have covered several cases of violence in same-sex couples in recent years. Reporting on this phenomenon raises questions about how to approach a reality that had remained hidden until recently.

The aim The aim of this article is to analyse the content of the news stories about same-sex domestic violence published by various Spanish newspapers between and The results indicate that, while journalists have improved the treatment of gender-based violence, the news coverage of violence in gay couples exhibits similar features to those that characterised the news coverage of violence against women during the early years.

The episodic and sensationalist coverage, as well as the categorisation of cases of violence in same-sex couples as crimes of passion show that intra-gender violence is not addressed, for the time being, as a social problem but rather as a private matter. View on revistalatinacs.

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La información en prensa española sobre casos de violencia en parejas del mismo sexo more. Dar cobertura a este fenómeno plantea interrogantes sobre cómo enfocar una Dar cobertura a este fenómeno plantea interrogantes sobre cómo enfocar una realidad que se mantuvo oculta hasta hace muy poco. Los resultados indican que, mientras que los periodistas han mejorado el tratamiento de la violencia de género, la información de las agresiones en parejas gays evidencia algunas características similares a las que dominaron las noticias sobre violencia contras las mujeres durante los primeros años.

Media coverage of Education for Citizenship in its historical and social context more. This paper summarizes a study of conservative media discourse on the debate surrounding the introduction of Education for Citizenship as a compulsory subject in Spanish school curricula. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of related Quantitative and qualitative analysis of related coverage provided by Spanish dailies ABC and La Razón between and was performed with two objectives in mind.

The first was to identify the dominant frames employed by both newspapers in their coverage of this issue. The second was to determine whether there were parallels between the ways in which social organisations protesting against the recent inclusion of civic education in school curricula framed their messages and the ways in which the Catholic press framed its discourse in opposition to measures related to education and religion during the Second Spanish Republic.

Findings indicate that the coverage of the issue provided by the newspapers studied was framed to mobilise public opinion against civic education and that there were strong parallels between the messages it conveyed and those disseminated by the Catholic press in the s.

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Global Media Monitoring Project - Spanish results more. El estudio en España, en el que he participado como monitor junto con otr s colegas, ha sido coordinado por View on cdn. El humor es una potente herramienta contra las instituciones. Los escasos contenidos satíricos Los escasos contenidos satíricos aparecidos desde la transición han sido perseguidos por la justicia.

Sin embargo, la prensa digital ha iniciado una cobertura diferente sobre los asuntos relativos a la Corona, mostrando un tratamiento menos complaciente. In Spain, the tacit agreement established between the Monarchy and the media obstructed critical coverage of the Royal Family. The few satirical contents appeared in the media since the Spanish transition have been prosecuted. However, the digital press has initiated a different coverage on issues relating to the Crown, showing a less pleasant treatment.

This research studies the characteristics of humor pieces published in these digital media through a quantitative analysis of the cartoons appeared in eight stand-alone online newspapers after the abdication of Juan Carlos I. View on revistadigitos. La medida despertó la indignación de diversos La medida despertó la indignación de diversos actores conservadores: políticos, obispos y líderes de organizaciones católicas.

Su objetivo fue la derogación de la ley y, para ello, dedicaron grandes esfuerzos a activar la reacción de los católicos. Este artículo examina algunos de los mensajes propagandísticos difundidos durante aquellos meses para desvelar sus estrategias movilizadoras.