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But compared to the inconstancy of the styles which emanate from them, at least, the important fashion centers are as fixed and changeless as the smile on the face of the Mona Lisa. Fortunately, therefore, it is possible to list and identify these centers in such a manner as to provide an authoritative anthology for some time to come. Keep this issue handy and dip into the anthology—compiled here with specific reference to summer fashions— for inspiration both as to copy and illustration in your effective sponsorship of the new fashions associated with these centers.
Treated first are the main fashion centers in the United States.
The places listed in the singles de juan les pins restaurant indien paragraphs set the pace for smart fashions in keeping with the social and amusement programs of those who dodge the cold in winter and the heat in summer. The resort, situated on a sand ridge surrounded by yellow pine forests, is seventeen miles northeast of Augusta, Georgia. The i ness and dryness of the climate make it a noted health center in winter, spring and autumn.
The luxurious private estates, hotels- and country clubs attract the outstanding members of the riding, hunting and polo playing set. So other friends of similar taste, such Ambrose Clark, joined the colony and' the resort has since become a traditional place of annual pilgrimage for the riding set who continue the equestrian activities which they pursue at Long Island. The chief pastimes are fox hunting polo, tennis and golf, with emphasis on horses and equestrianism.
Nig life is negligible, including mostly private dinner singles de juan les pins restaurant indien with simple gatherings," ten or twelve guests. Most people retire early, since nearly everyone pops out of bed at the crack of dawn and dashes-J his favorite mount and the yelping pack. Sportsmen come from all over the country to: Maryland, settled by English gentry, the Cavaliers, has always loved fox hunting and other sports associated with it.
In the spring ofthe Elkridge members challenged their rivals to a cross country run which would test the speed, endurance and jumping ability of their horses. The event has been perpetuated ever since, last year's race having been held in April. The Valley Club wears a field uniform of scarlet coats with green collars, while the Elkridge members wear scarlet with old gold. The races are held in June and September for a period of two or three weeks duration. The spring season features the Belmont Stakes and the fall season the Belmont Futurity, the later being the most important two-year gold race in the country.
Turf and Field, the smart horsey club, has a special enclosure which is reserved exclusively for members.
Joseph Widener is a guiding spirit both here and fat Hialeah. The Maidstone Club is a center of social activities and is particularly popular for its golf and tennis. Although originally regarded as a nouveau riche upstart by its more pompous rival, Southampton, East Hampton now considers itself more exclusive. At any rate it is singles de juan les pins restaurant indien, for the older colony suffers from a touch of registerite heaviness somewhat comparable to the Grande Dame-Union League atmosphere of Newport. Today this university, with its large national student body drawn from many well known and wealthy families, is considered one of the foremost fashion centers in the country.
The close proximity of both Yale and Princeton to New York has been responsible for numerous important fashion trends. The bitterly contested crew race over a four mile course gathers a gallery of all the famous yachts and pleasure craft of Eastern society.
The clothes worn on this occasion are very significant from a fashion standpoint. The exclusive clannishness of the town began long ago with the influx of wealthy New Yorkers after the Civil War. Associated with Newport are such names as James B. Havemeyer and dozens of others. Bailey's Beach is the famous exclusive playground of the social register, while the Newport Country Club is an elite golfing center.
A tennis tournament, second only to the National Singles, is held annually at the Casino, a private club. The sailing facilities attract ardent yachtsmen, providing a site both for the annual New York Yacht Club cruise and the International Yacht races in which Sir Thomas Lipton once figured so prominently. Horse shows, aquatic events, polo matches and the best professional summer theatre in America add zest to Newport life.
Social life of the most high hat character, an exclusive privilege of the hand picked residential members of this colony, centers around the Casino and the Sprouting Rock Beach Club at Bailey's. Admission to either one is gained only through the most rigid standards of culture, wealth, breeding and genealogy. They are fortresses never conquered by the social parvenu. Typical of Newport exclusiveness is the high fence at Bailey's Beach which perfectly conceals the seaside life of these socialites from the eavesdropping and sightseeing of the curious.
It is located on a long narrow island, sixty miles north of Miami off the eastern coast of Florida. The present charm and beauty of Palm Beach are synthetic, for this tropical Utopia was created from a miasmic region of swamps, tangled underbrush and barren sand dunes onceinhabited by the Seminole Indians. InHenry M. Flagler, regarded at the time as a well-intentioned visionary, began his Jacksonville development which started the first of the great Florida booms on the East Coast. InColonel Edward Bradley further accelerated the development of the colony by selling lots on a filled-in swamp called Camp Styx, and later Paris Singer and Addison Mizner, visualizing the future beauty of the place, were the progenitors as architects of the currently typical Hispanic style.
Soon many socialites settled here in patioed estates—Anthony Drexel Biddle, Jr. Hutton, Harold Vanderbilt, R.
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Up to the resort was a tourist center without any sharp social distinctions, everyone bathing at Breakers Beach and golfing on the old or new course north of the hotel. With the erection of the new Bath and Tennis Club inhowever, a definite cleavage was made between the socialites of the magnificent estates and the tourists of the hotels.
Just before the crash during the twenties, more villas blossomed out and the three important clubs—Bath and Tennis, Gulf Stream and Everglades—were crowded with the wealthy. Social life at Palm Beach has two aspects — one centered about the hotels and the other about the private residential colony and the exclusive private clubs. Most of the hotel crowd get to see very little of the elite cottagers, who keep pretty much to themselves. Luncheon follows the bathing hour and afternoons are largely devoted to golf or tennis.
Singles de juan les pins restaurant indien evenings are frequently given over to private parties or balls at the Colony Club which, though smart, is open to the general public. Many attend motion picture theatres, in formal attire, and go dancing afterwards. Still others pay a visit to Bradley's Casino, where the gambling stakes run high.
The cottage coterie, however, are seldom seen in Palm Beach proper, most of their dinners and dances being given at home. The limitation of its enrollment in to about 2, students selected on the basis of scholarship and character has added to its reputation for exclusiveness.
Inasmuch as the school is located in a small town, there is considerable interest in outdoor activities, and Princeton is considered an important fashion center for informal and outdoor dress. In spring, the Maytime house parties run the gamut from the smartest of informal attire during the day to the most strictly formal dress for evening. Its prestige faded at the beginning of the 20th century, but in a committee under Bernard Baruch planned a successful revival of the Springs as a health and resort center.
At present, the height of the season is the period of the August races on the Saratoga tracks. This is the scene of the oldest stake in America, the Travers. Next to Newport, this town is probably the most deluxe resort, from the social standpoint, in America. It is not quite so regal or impregnable, however, as the Rhode Island resort. The Meadow Club is an important private society center, while daytime activities in season focus on the very exclusive Beach Club.
The social life reaches its highest pitch during Tennis Week when most of the country's best players participate by invitation. The event was inaugurated in the early part of the present century and today it brings out a representative cross-section of the leading sportsmen in the New York sector. Richard Whitney, James W. Girard, John Hay Whitney and T. Durant have been active figures.
More polo is played here, within a small radius of the club, than anywhere else in the country, and the club is the focal point for all international polo activities in the United States. The history of the Meadowbrook Club goes back to an early interest in fox hunting, but the club was not incorporated until A steeplechase was first run in and the Meadowbrook Cup event, singles de juan les pins restaurant indien annually on the estate of F. Ambrose Clark in September, is one of the most smartly turned out in America. The field costume consists of scarlet coats, white waistcoats and robin's egg blue collars.
Vastly important in their influence on men's fashions are the fashion centers of England and the Continent.
The cult of the warm weather enthusiasts of Europe, during both winter and summer, revolves around the places described in the following paragraphs. The first Liverpool Grand National was run at Aintree inbut steeple chasing as it is known today, with trained horses and jockeys to negotiate them over a series of artificial jumps, is a comparatively modern sport. The annual meeting, which is held singles de juan les pins restaurant indien the second or third week in June, is notable for the Royal Procession and is attended by all the important members of the fashionable sporting world.
Usually, the men in America who disseminate fashions are in England at the time of the Ascot and the Derby, frequently returning home later by way of the French Riviera and thus bringing with them the latest fashions both of England and the Continent. Morning coats and grey toppers are worn by every man at the Ascot from the royal family down to the bookmakers, and the derivation of the name for the Ascot tie is obviously associated with this important center.
The climate and scenery are equal sources of attraction, with the Pyrenees on one side and the Basque coast on the other.