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Lleva un periodico o revista en la mano. We applied cluster analysis and ordination to explore the influence of environmental variables on the floristic differentiation of pinyon pine woodlands. Clustering showed six groups, the first three characterized by P. The ordination showed that variance represented by the first three axes was Axis 1 was positively correlated with altitude and negatively with mean annual temperature; axes two and three, showed low correlation with the variables tested.

In contrast, stands of P. The sites of these monospecific and mixed woodlands with associated species, indicators of environmental variables. The Pringles Metamorphic Complex shows indications for crustal recycling, pointing to a bimodal provenance. The eNd Ma data is lower for the San Luis Formation and higher for the Conlara Metamorphic Complex, as compared to the other units, in which a good consistency is given.

The spread of data is largest for the Pringles Metamorphic Complex A Methodology for Evaluating Regional Chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp. The Project developed a methodology for evaluating regional sustainability. This introduction provides the necessary background information for the project, descripti Ampliación de la distribución de Physalaemus biligonigerus Cope, Anura: Leiuperidae en la provincia de San LuisArgentina.

Seventeen soundings were made to the east and north of the sand dunes. Using a small loop TEM system, maximum exploration depths of about 75 to m were obtained. In general, layered earth interpretations of the data found that resistivity decreases with depth. Comparison of soundings with geologic logs from nearby wells found that zones logged as having increased clay content usually corresponded with a significant resistivity decrease in the TEM determined model. This result supports the use of TEM soundings to map the location of the top of the clay unit deposited at the bottom of the ancient Lake Alamosa that filled the San Luis Valley from Pliocene to middle Pleistocene time.

The study analyzed the regional effects of potential visual impacts of solar energy development on three BLM-designated solar energy zones SEZs in the San Luis Valley SLV in Colorado, and, based on the analysis, chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp recommendations for or chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp regional compensatory mitigation to compensate residents and other stakeholders for the potential visual impacts to the SEZs.

Two separate analyses were performed. The first analysis, referred to as the VSA Analysis, analyzed the potential visual impacts of solar energy development in the SEZs on nearby visually sensitive areas VSAsand, based on the impact analyses, made recommendations for or against regional compensatory mitigation. VSAs are locations for which some type of visual sensitivity has been identified, either because the location is an area of high scenic value or because it is a location from which people view the surrounding landscape and attach some level of importance or sensitivity to what is seen from the location.

If the chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp effects were judged to be significant, regional. The objective of this work is centered in the obtaining of the Total Quality of the Landscape, having compared the demand of beauty to the rest of the other natural resources, to be able to make proposals to improve the Plan of Handling that takes ahead the Administration of National Parks.

The used Methodology is the described one by Cendrero et.

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This analysis allowed to determine 2 Total Qualities of Landscape, that have been mapped using aerial photography equipment and materials and SIG, with field control. Full Text Available Gardens have become increasingly important places for growing nutritional food, for conserving biodiversity, for biological and ecological research and education, and for community gathering.

Gardens can also be designed with the goal of attracting specific wildlife, like birds and butterflies, but pollinators, like bees, can also be drawn to specially planned and modified gardens. A community garden in San Luis Obispo, California provided the setting for modification with the goal of attracting native bee pollinators by planting known bee-attractive plants.

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The local gardeners participated in a survey questionnaire and focused chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp to provide their input and interest in such a project. Presentations on our work with native bees in urban environments and gardening to attract bees were also given to interested gardeners.

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Work of this type also benefited from a lead gardener who managed donated bee plants and kept up momentum of the project. Modification of the garden and monitoring of native bees started in and continued through the growing season of Diversity of collected and observed native bees has increased each year since To date, 40 species in 17 genera of mostly native bees has been recorded from the garden, and this number is expected to increase through time.

The outcroping deposits in the ravines of the Conlara River are dominated by silt with subordinated and variable percentages of sand and clays. In the section that is described, at the south of the town of Santa Rosa del Conlara, these materials have been deposited responding generally climatic changing conditions.

The base of the profile, assigned to the late Pleistocene, contains extint fauna of the Lujanense and a datation of B. The overlaying succession, assigned to the Holocene, shows an intercalation of horizons generated by eolic-loessic deposits and deposits with development of pedogenetic processes. The whole succession shows characteristic of corresponding to a vegetated plain, next to the river flood plain. The discriminated horizons are the result of a detailed sampling and the representation of range parameters of the same ones, in function of the depth, chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp last one oscillates between 6 and 8 meters.

The quaternary deposits of the region, support indistinctly as on the crystalline basement of San Luis range, as on the calcretes assigned to the Neogene [es. El estudio se realizó de enero de a abril de El presente estudio definió nuevas regiones con presencia de ocelotes que pueden ser consideradas en el desarrollo de estrategias de conservación de la especie en el estado de San Luis Potosí. To determine the geographic distribution of ocelot in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, we obtained new records.

The study was conducted from January to April We recorded 41 ocelot records by interviews and camera-trapping. The evidence of this research suggests that ocelot range is more extended to the west than its original geographical range.

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This study defined new regions with presence of ocelots that may be considered to develop conservation strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers PBDEs chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp biphenyls PCBsp,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DDTp,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene DDEand four heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in soil from the city of San Luis Potosí in Mexico. Meanwhile, heavy metals were quantified using the atomic absorption spectrophotometry technique.

The total PBDEs levels ranged from 5. For PCBs, the total mean level in the studied soil was Con los resultados obtenidos del ASPT se construyó el mapa de calidad de agua para ambas quebradas.

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The intention of this study was to develop a map of water quality that serves as base as comparison of the evolution of the streams and allows the high-priority destination of the resources of the Municipality in the improvement of those more critical sections. In order to determine the quality of the water, parameters and some characteristics of the stream that can alter the quality of the water were measured, like substrate of the bed, cover of banks, aquatic habitats, temperature, conductivity, oxygen, pH, coliforms, and aquatic macroinvertebrates.

Full Text Available Se describen los hallazgos epidemiológicos y clínicos de 13 enfermos con diagnóstico de infección por virus de la encefalitis de San Luiscon transmisión entre enero y marzo deen el Area Metropolitana Buenos Aires AMBA. Los 13 enfermos, promedio de edad 38 años, tuvieron un comienzo agudo caracterizado por hipertermia y cefalea. Dos resonancias magnéticas y un electroencefalograma presentaron signos de afectación de lóbulos temporales. El líquido cefalorraquídeo se caracterizó por pleocitosis con predominio de células mononucleadas, glucorraquia normal y discreto aumento de proteínas.

No hubo casos fatales. Por la agrupación espacial y temporal de los casos puede considerarse un brote epidémico, el primero conocido en el AMBA, ya que no se había notificado previamente la circulación epidémica del virus. Arsenic and cadmium exposure in children living near a smelter complex in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

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The main purpose of this study was to assess environmental contamination by arsenic and cadmium in a smelter community San Luis Potosi City, Mexico and its possible contribution to an increased body burden of these elements in children. Arsenic and cadmium were found in the environment air, soil, and household dust, and tap water as well as in the urine and hair from children. The study was undertaken in three zones: Morales, an urban area close to the smelter complex; Graciano, an urban area 7 km away from the complex; and Mexquitic, a small rural town 25 km away. The environmental study showed that Morales is the most contaminated of the zones studied.

The range of arsenic levels in soil ppmdust ppmand air 0. Cadmium concentrations were also higher in Morales. Estimates of the arsenic ingestion rate in Morales 1. This system required the installation and operation of one inlet and three drainage flow and water quality monitoring stations which allowed a simple mass balance model to be developed of the seasonally managed wetlands in the study area.

Remote sensing methods were developed to document long-term trends in wetland moist soil vegetation and soil salinity in response to management options such as delaying the initiation of seasonal wetland drainage. These environmental management tools provide wetland managers with some of the tools necessary to improve salinity conditions in the San Joaquin River and improve compliance with State mandated salinity objectives without inflicting long-term harm on the wild fowl habitat resource. El basamento de la sierra de San Luis: Nuevas evidencias magnéticas y sus implicancias tectónicas The basement of Sierra de San Luis: New magnetic evidence and tectonic implication.

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Los mapas aeromagnéticos disponibles de las sierras de San Luis y Comechingones en el sector sudoriental de las Sierras Pampeanas de Argentina, permiten examinar las características geológicas y estructurales de las unidades metamórficas e intrusivas del basamento de la región. A través de la aplicación del filtro de continuación ascendente a los datos del campo magnético total reducido al polo, se ha podido observar la configuración profunda de las distintas unidades.

Entre ellas se destaca In the Caborca region of western Sonora a Precambrian Z does not cover a unique Precambrian socle as previously believed.

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Two tectonic zones occur there instead: The first is comprised of the Precambrian San Luis socle of gneiss and granite, crossed by 1. The Caborca Zone consists of the Precambrian Bamori socle of parametamorphic rocks crossed by 1. They have been brought together by the Nevadian orogeny. The lowermost units of the Gamuza cover furnished psammocorals and a possible Pterophyllum jageri? Accordingly, its geological age is either Palaeozoic or Triassic. The San Luis cover furnished Nematophites [Prototaxites?

The study area belongs in the Baja-Borderland block, which underwent, an Eocene northwards drifting of about - km, and a 30 celsius degrade to 40 celsius degrade clockwise rotation relative to the main part of Sonora. Human papillomavirus type 16 variants in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive carcinoma in San Chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp Potosí City, Mexico. Background In San Luis Potosí City cervical infection by human papillomavirus type 16 HPV16 associated to dysplastic lesions is more prevalent in younger women.

E-P variant sequences contained 23 single nucleotide changes, two of which AG, AT had not been described before and allowed the chicas en new port richey recreation center summer camp separation from the other variants. An even younger age of 7. The objective of this paper is to explain through the ecological hypothesis superinfection and competitive interaction between two viral populations and niche host availability, the alternating patterns of Respiratory Syncytial Virus RSV and influenza observed in a regional hospital in San Luis Potosí State, México using a mathematical model as a methodological tool.

The data analyzed consists of community-based and hospital-based Acute Respiratory Infections ARI consultations provided by health-care institutions reported to the State Health Service Epidemiology Department from through El trabajo pretende contribuir, desde la perspectiva de la organización de la tecnología, al conocimiento de las ocupaciones cazadoras-recolectoras que habitaron las inmediaciones de la Sierra de la Estanzuela, en la provincia de San LuisArgentina.

Measurement of radon concentration in old metalliferous mines in San LuisArgentina. Radon levels in two old mines in San LuisArgentina, were measured and analyzed. La Carolina gold mine and Los Condores tungsten mine are today used as tourism mines.