El recurso a los vientres de alquiler se autoriza, siempre que no se remunere, en Bélgica, Holanda o Reino Unido. A la inversa, Grecia la permite desde con una contraprestación económica. La procreación medicamente asistida se permite a las parejas lesbianas en 10 países de Europa. Y en Estados Unidos, en , la Corte Suprema legalizó el matrimonio gay en todo el país.
Ciudad de México se convirtió, en , en la primera urbe e América Latina en autorizar las uniones civiles y, dos años después, en , legalizó el matrimonio gay. En Cuba, la nueva Constitución adoptada en julio define el matrimonio como la unión consentida entre dos personas, sin precisar el sexo, lo que abre legalmente la vía para las bodas gay.
Cuatro países permiten este tipo de uniones: Argentina desde , Uruguay, Colombia y Brasil. Nueva Zelanda legalizó el matrimonio gay y la adopción en y Australia en Noticias de Colombia y el mundo al instante: Personaliza, descubre e infórmate.
Restaurantes, hoteles y empresarios se unieron para llevar alimentos a El artista vallenato muestra su versatilidad y conquista nuevos escena Este artículo ya fue guardado Para consultarlo en otro momento, visite su zona de usuario. Artículo guardado Para consultarlo en otro momento, visite su zona de usuario. Homosexualidad en el mundo.
It is with our great pleasure that we introduce the brand new compilation series ' Nocturna'. Nocturna models presents the new range of Acrylic Colors for miniatures N-Paint, and their new 10th Anniversary figures. Ahora puedes! She recently published a fantasy novel in two volumes, "La sombra del Cris Ortega is a spanish digital artist and writer. After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a similar character was re-envisioned as occultist Natalia Mitternich, who was hinted at becoming the new Nocturna Nocturna more commonly referred to by its promotional title Nocturna: Granddaughter of Dracula is a film conceived by star Nai Bonet and written and directed by Harry Hurwitz, who was credited as "Harry Tampa".
Foto: AFP. Por: AFP.
Foto: EFE. Foto: Reuters.
Descarga la app El Tiempo Noticias de Colombia y el mundo al instante: Personaliza, descubre e infórmate. Justicia en Colombia. Consejo Superior Jud.. Salvatore Mancuso. Neither performed nor recognized in Niue, Tokelau or the Cook Islands. Not recognized in Caribbean overseas territories , though marriage-equivalent ordered for the Cayman Islands. Neither performed nor recognized in American Samoa or some tribal nations.
Registered foreign marriages confer limited rights. Marriage recognized in Tel Aviv. Degree of recognition unknown. No actual cases to date.
Limited to residency rights for foreign spouses of EU citizens. Legal guardianships nationwide, except Hong Kong and Macau , residency rights for foreign spouses of legal residents Hong Kong. Recognition of foreign marriage for parental rights Same sex couples can live together, but no legal obligation for them Offer "partnership certificates", which provide some tools such as hospital visitation rights but do not offer any legal recognition Limited to spouses of foreign diplomatic officials.
LGBT portal. Same-sex marriages performed. Civil unions performed; marriage by amparo only. Marriage not performed except by amparo despite Supreme Court order. Marriage accessible by amparo or by traveling out of state. LGBT portal Mexico portal. Retrieved 15 December Lynne Walker 5 March Associated Press. Archived from the original on 30 May Retrieved 21 January Milenio in Spanish.
On Top Magazine.
El Universal. Retrieved 8 September LGBT in Mexico. Mexico City. Homosexuality in Mexico Dance of the Forty-One.
Guadalajara Gay Pride. LGBT people in Mexico.
El matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en Suecia entró en vigor el 1 de mayo de En se aprobó una ley que definía el matrimonio como la unión de un hombre «Sweden sets date for gay church weddings» (en inglés). matrimonio y la unión civil. Palabras clave: matrimonio gay, religiosidad, homofobia, autoritarismo, contacto. Attitudes toward same sex marr.
Status of same-sex unions around the world. Virgin Islands U. United Kingdom British Antarctic Territory. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Common-law marriage Israel 6. See also Same-sex union legislation Same-sex union court cases Timeline of same-sex marriage Recognition of same-sex unions in Africa Recognition of same-sex unions in Asia Recognition of same-sex unions in Europe Recognition of same-sex unions in the Americas Recognition of same-sex unions in Oceania Marriage privatization Divorce of same-sex couples Domestic partnership Military policy Adoption Listings by country LGBT rights by country or territory.