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Steak Tartare. Suckling Pig. Using textual analysis of numerous news items published in the dailies ABC and La Razón, this paper investigates whether the rhetoric used in the discourse of the conservative press favoured the representation of the educational conflict as a warlike situation by recurrent use of metaphors from the semantic field of war. More Info: Vol.

View on revistes. La cobertura periodística sobre Educación para la Ciudadanía en su contexto histórico-social more. El estudio, que combina metodologías El estudio, que combina metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas, analiza la cobertura ofrecida por los diarios españoles ABC y La Razón. Las conclusiones señalan que la cobertura de la asignatura presentó intenciones movilizadoras y evidenció claras resonancias culturales con mensajes de los años View on textualvisualmedia. Para ello, se analizan las Los resultados muestran que el discurso de estos periódicos buscó promover la movilización social.

With this aim, we analyze the dominant framing strategies by means of the examination of articles, published between and The results show that the discourse of these newspapers sought to promote social mobilization. View on icjournal-ojs. Los resultados señalan que la presentación negativa de la materia dominó en una cobertura cómplice con los críticos y escasamente explicativa. View on ambitoscomunicacion.

Los resultados demuestran la presencia de recurrentes dispositivos retóricos con una notable evocación histórica. The results demonstrate the presence of recurrent rhetorical devices with remarkable historical resonance. Promoting the threat prevents rational and dispassionate analysis that should distinguish opinion journalism committed to democratic life.

The article examines whether the conservative editorial press facilitates the promotion of the collective action frames promoted by social groups ideologically close. The aim is to determine whether the journalistic discourse is affected The aim is to determine whether the journalistic discourse is affected by the elements of the message spread by the movements that are responsible for protest campaigns from a conservative stance. To do this, this analysis selected as a case study the mobilization generated round the implementation of the subject Education for Citizenship in Spain , analyzing the frame that structured the collective message that agitated the conflict and the frame that the newspapers ABC and La Razón offered on it.

The results reveal that there were significant similarities between the two discourses. However, the new catalog of degrees should also be accompanied by updated teaching strategies.

Methodological renewal of the most theoretical subjects is a challenge that must be addressed by incorporating suggestions for collaborative learning and the use of new technologies. This article discusses the design, the application and the results of developing the subject of Communication Theories following a student-centred learning model as required by the new educational framework. View on ucm. Inequality and transsexual identity in the journalistic discourse more.

Este artículo pretende ofrecer This article, based on the analysis of a real case found in the newspapers from Valencia, tries to offer a reflection on the most frequent problems that a journalist faces when trying to write about transsexual people. More Info: Publicado en "Zer: revista de estudios de comunicación" , Vol.

GAY PARTY VALENCIA, Dauradella 9, Paterna ()

View on ehu. La visibilidad de las relaciones homosexuales ha logrado un espacio considerable y una cobertura relativamente digna en los medios de comunicación social, tanto en contenidos informativos como de entretenimiento. Sin embargo, esta Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que predominan los ejemplos en los que la relación gay aparece oculta o enmascarada bajo términos eufemísticos. However, this representation continues to suffer from stigmatizing treatment in certain journalistic discourses, employing the euphemism as a resource to refer to same-sex couples, especially in news items that address issues considered particularly sensitive or serious such as great tragedies or the death of famous people.

This work, which aims to identify the consequences of this practice in the characteristics of news reporting, applies discourse and inequality analysis to approach this phenomenon by means of a concrete case study: the coverage of a tragic plane crash that killed two men who were having an affair. The sample consisted of items from the Spanish, Italian and French media.