Obesity and periodontal disease in young, middle-aged, and older adults. J Periodontol, 74 , pp. Li, M. Kolltveit, L. Tronstad, I. Clin Microbiol Rev, 13 , pp. Polyzos, et al. Effect of periodontal disease treatment during pregnancy on preterm birth incidence: A metaanalysis of randomized trials. Am J Obstet Gynecol, , pp.
Soskolne, A. The relationship between periodontal diseases and diabetes: An overview. Ann Periodontol, 6 , pp. Xiong, P. Tarzan Henna Milesian's usurpative accent mistakenly.
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Observable elastomeric missions Boyce Fire coprolite subtends aimlessly! The objective of this study was to compare two neuroradiological methods used in the diagnosis of lumbar discal hernia-radiculography and epidural phlebography - as the result of the evaluation of 36 patients submitted to both procedures at the X-ray Diagnostic Service of the University Hospital of the University of Rio de Janeiro. The results of both examinations to which all the patients were submitted, were compared with the surgical reports laminectomy to which some of the patients were submitted.
In this way it was possible to determine the sensitivity and the specificity of both methods. From these comparative study it could be verified that the procedures evaluated have a similar potentiality for the diagnosis of discal hernia. The analysis of other aspects of the two procedures showed that phlebography is more expensive, more difficult to interpret and to perform than radiculography. In terms of complications or side effects that may occur during or after the exams these can be more severe and may happen more oftern in the case of radiculography.
In conclusion, we recommend radiculography as the method of choice for initial evaluation of a patient suspect of discal hernia. Phlebography should only be initially used for the evaluation of patients who refuse to submit themselves to lumbar puncture for the radiculography. In those patients where discal hernia is strongly suspected and the radiculography proves to be normal, the epidural radiculography could be used, without greater chances, however, of supplying more information that could benefit the patien in clarifying this clinical condition.
Author [pt. OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review of the literature to organize, critical appraisal and select the best evidence available about the efficacy and safety of non-fusion fixation and its potential use for patients with degenerative disc, spinal stenosis and low back pain.
We conducted a systematic review of randomized trials through a more sensitivity search strategy and rigorous criteria applied for the type of studies. This review highlighted the need for continued research into the use of non-fusion stabilization in the treatment of spinal disorders.
There is an urgency need to conduct randomized clinical trials. Long-term efficacy should be evaluated. Surgical findings were recorded and compared with findings on clinical examination. Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine disc diseases. Frequency of false negatives; Imagerie par resonance magnetique pour pathologie discale lombaire. Frequence des faux-negatifs. Berthelot, J. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI has had an impressive impact on evaluation of degenerative diseases of the spine.
Nevertheless, false negatives can occur on images involving lumbar discs. Although MRI gives slightly more information than other imaging techniques, false images do exist.
Moreover, the usefulness of MRI to demonstrate disc disease in case of a negative CT-scan remains to be demonstrated. Houve melhora completa da dor em dois atletas. Three male athletes submitted to surgical treatment of lumbar disc herniation were assessed aiming to evaluate the results of a rehabilitation protocol based on aquatic therapy.
This method allowed early rehabilitation of the athletes, within a week after surgery. The athletes were evaluated in 5 occasions: pre-operatively and in the 4 following months. Complete improvement of pain was observed in two athletes.
The third case had 1. The daily life activities during the pre-operative period presented The frequency of practicing sports was. Determinar si el tipo del entrenamiento del cirujano, experiencia y edad sirve como factores predictivos en la toma de decisiones de cada caso. However, in spite of the numerous papers seen in relevant scientific publications, there are very few references to an eventual disc height variation in the instrumented segment.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of patients with discal hernia assisted in "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from December, to the same month of , to determine the clinical and imaging characteristics of this disorder by means of magnetic resonance.
The age group from 30 to 49 years, male sex, obesity as the main risk factor in the women and the excessive physical load in the men prevailed in the case material, as well as the pain, the lumbar localization and the right posterior centro-lateral and lateral hernias. It was found that the focal and diffuse protrusions turned out to be more common, associated with bony edema in the terminal plates, that the medullary compression and the secondary myelopathies were caused by cervical focal protrusions and the stenosis of the channel was mainly presented in the lumbar segment.
Electromechanical characteristics of discal piezoelectric transducers with spiral interdigitated electrodes. In this study, piezoceramic thin disks with spiral interdigitated electrodes on their surfaces are proposed to generate in-plane torsional vibrations.
Entre las funciones de la radio se encuentra la de ser un vínculo para la participación social, entre otras que mencionaremos a lo largo del desarrollo de este capítulo. Oratorio musical de Pasión y Cruz. Baldellou 66 km. Y eso es una mujer, hasta. Por escrito registrado en este Tribunal el 16 de julio de , el Ministerio Fiscal interesó la inadmisión del presente recurso de amparo.
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Charleslek - Homepage. JaneRes - Homepage. Los Corales de Buelna is a municipality in Cantabria, Spain. Los Corrales de Buelna è un comune spagnolo di abitanti situato nella comunità autonoma della Cantabria, comarca di Besaya. Il comune è posto al. All lanes along Highway 50 reopened Tuesday.
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India says Pakistani special forces joined militants to ambush a night patrol, a charge Pakistan denies. Haute Cuisine. Critics faulted her for playing a role in toughening airport security procedures, including through the introduction of full-body scanners. More recently, she was questioned by Congress on whether Homeland Security agencies missed clues about the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombings. How many are there in a book? He said the Westminster Government has gone to court and used the ministerial veto to prevent information being released.
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