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Log in to get trip updates and message other travellers. Please consult government travel advisories before booking. More information can be found here. Centro de Artesania in Yaiza 4 Reviews. Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date s you selected. Please choose a different date.
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Dulian is super friendly. Location is great as its quiet, away from the tourist hustle but in striking distance to nice beaches. Very responsive during stay. Don't put too much faith in the pull-out bed ; House is modern with good AC coverage.
Easy free parking in front. Overall Dulian is one of the nicest hosts you'll meet. Y pasan autobuses para ir a George Town. Fantastic value and close to airport and several delish restaurants. Ale's mom was delightful, friendly and had all kinds of recommendations that have served us well during our stay. The bed was super comfortable and having a bathroom in the master bedroom was wonderful. Hidden by Airbnb maps does NOT work for this location, so be sure to have the actual address in hand in addition to Ale's emailed instructions on how to get to the place before you leave you home.
It's essential to show the customs agent when you come across customs and phone's and apps don't always work within buildings. This place was a great introduction to Cayman Islands!
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