The segment was viewed so frequently that it had brought back to life the ratings for the show.
El programa hablaba principalmente del episodio de Marcus Welby M. El segmento se veía con tanta frecuencia que había devuelto a la vida las calificaciones para el programa. They are working on digital exhibits that will serve as a resource for future scholars, and both URA students will be writing blog posts throughout the school year to update you on their discoveries.
A lot of the history from the community has been erased due to the historical oppression of its members.
Nonetheless, some of the history is preserved in archives around the world. An archivist is in a unique position to correct the wrongdoings that society has done in the past. Mucha de la historia de la comunidad ha sido borrada, debido a la opresión histórica de sus miembros.
No obstante, alguna de la historia es preservada en archivos alrededor del mundo. In the article, they talk about how by being an activist, archivists are able to preserve the history of marginalized communities, and be able to ensure representation in their collections.
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En el artículo, hablan de cómo ser un activista, puede ayudar a los archivistas en el proceso de la preservación de materiales de comunidades marginalizadas. Esto puede ayudar a garantizar la representación equitativa en los archivos. Extraida de su sitio web. Well, it is very important to collect these materials because there is a need for them.
By being an activist for the community, archivists can ensure that everybody is present when preserving and maintaining history. Pues, es muy importante porque hay una necesidad de recolectar estos materiales. Caja 1. If you were an Iowa State University student and have any materials that pertain to the community, we would invite you to contact us, to discuss the benefits of preserving your history here on campus.
Si usted fue un estudiante de Iowa State University, le invitamos a que nos contacten, para discutir los beneficios de preservar su historia en la Universidad en nuestros archivos. His goal is to one day obtain a PhD in Sociology, do research, and teach at a university. Gallery Leave a comment June 22, mdxcarson. Like this: Like Loading Post to Cancel. Post was not sent - check your email addresses!
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