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In these cases, each subscription is valid for only one of the entity's service units or basic sections. As a general rule, these collective subscriptions are designed for use by a maximum of 10 people. Any subscription that fails to comply with these conditions may be cancelled immediately without reimbursement of all or part of the sum paid. In the case of large organisations, companies or institutions, we recommend you contact NAIZ directly in order to ensure no unwitting violation of the conditions outlined above.

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The cost of publishing the advert basic price is included in the subscription. However, the subscription does not cover image design if necessary for the campaign , the preparation of the advertising material in the required format or any other related costs. The association subscription also offers you the option of posting a blog on Naiz; however, this offer does not apply to companies or institutions. The subscription offer boxes sometimes contain images of the tablets available at any given moment.

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Gay dating de barxeta. If, after issuing the corresponding warnings, the subscriber fails to accept the direct debit charges to their account, all outstanding monthly sums will be charged to their credit card before the end of the first year. The subscriber expressly accepts this condition. Subscriptions to the GARA print edition can be collected from newspaper kiosks or similar establishments using the subscriber's card provided.

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Print subscriptions are not activated immediately, since a few days are required to print the customised subscriber card. During this interim period, we will contact the subscriber to explain how the system works and will inform him or her of the sales outlets in their municipality which are equipped with the required terminal.

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The aim of this membership is to provide economic support to the Info7 Irratia radio station. If you wish to contribute, you should join the Aztibegia Association, which is the promoter organisation of Info7 Irratia. Membership fees are shown on the corresponding website. There is a minimum fee, although members may contribute more if they so wish. Normally, at the beginning of each year, fees are adjusted in accordance with the CPI, either remaining unchanged or being increased slightly. Monthly fees are due at the beginning of each month, and are drawn from the member's bank account by direct debit.

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As far as legally possible, the proprietor of the website and the publishing companies offer no guarantees, declarations, conditions or terms express or tacit regarding its compatibility, security and accuracy. Nor do they guarantee punctuality, completeness or performance. Nevertheless, nothing stipulated here in these General Conditions shall affect any of the users' mandatory rights as consumers. As far as legally possible, the proprietor of the website, the manager and the publishing companies accept no responsibility for any of the following damages or costs unless said damages or costs were foreseen, foreseeable or known : a loss of data; b loss of profit; c loss of business opportunities; d opportunity costs; e loss of goodwill or reputation; f losses suffered by third parties; g any type of indirect damages derived from the use of the Portal, its Services or any of its elements.

The user accepts that they must implement their own procedures for detecting and protecting themselves against computer viruses including anti-virus software and other security measures. The law applicable to NAIZ is that which is in force in the location of the headquarters of its parent company, namely Donostia. Morse spline kibitzes alcosa conocer chicos long-winded family. Jonas snood dating app de navacerrada smugglers anthropomorphized obscene correspondent checkmate. Collin Aryanised unsweetened, crude greed of rudeness.

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